Aviation Monster


Aviation Monster is the brainchild of Aaron, who is responsible for its coding, design, and artistic elements. Aaron is a passionate creator, skilled in crafting visuals, words, and audio. With credentials spanning various aviation authorities worldwide, Aaron brings a wealth of expertise to the platform. Additionally, Aaron holds academic degrees such as a Bachelor of Applied IT from La Trobe University and a Master of Aviation Management from UNSW.

Aviation Monster is structured into two main sections: Tutor-by-Choice and aviation-related content. The aviation segment features links to various resources, including YouTube channels dedicated to aviation, governmental platforms, and documentation, as well as general aviation organizations and flying schools. Furthermore, there's a link to a broader world news aggregator platform. On the educational section, it is important to note that all multiple-choice questions within Tutor-by-Choice are solely for entertainment purposes. Therefore, the information found on Tutor-by-Choice should NEVER be used for operational purposes. Any information, if considered semi-educational, should only be recognized and appreciated as supporting or reinforcing established technical facts and figures within the field of aviation. Although this website has been thoroughly scrutinized by esteemed academically qualified individuals and qualified practitioners within the aviation realm, it is important to acknowledge that all information stated on any page within this website should be viewed as supplementary to the foundational concepts of aviation.